Rekrutmen Lowongan Kerja PT Adaro Energy – PT Adaro Energy merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang produsen batu bara terbesar di dunia. Adaro Energy didirikan pada tahun 2004 sebagai perseroan terbatas dengan nama PT Padang Karunia. Pada bulan April 2008, nama perusahaan berubah menjadi PT Adaro Energy Tbk dalam persiapan untuk menjadi perusahaan publik dalam penawaran perdana yang dilakukan dengan hasil yang memuaskan pada bulan Juli di tahun yang sama.
Adaro merupakan perusahaan grup yang terintegrasi secara vertikal. Selain anak perusahaan pertambangan utamanya yang bernama PT Adaro Indonesia, Adaro juga memiliki anak-anak perusahaan lainnya yang beroperasi di sepanjang rantai pasokan batubara mulai dari tambang ke pelabuhan dan berlanjut ke pembangkit listrik, yang meliputi penambangan, tongkang, pemuatan kapal, pengerukan, jasa pelabuhan, pemasaran dan ketenagalistrikan.
Anak-anak perusahaan Adaro bersama dengan para kontraktor memproduksi batubaranya dengan tingkat efisiensi yang tertinggi di sektornya dan biaya yang rendah.
Adaro Energy beroperasi dengan visi untuk menjadi perusahaan energi dan tambang batubara terbesar dan terefisien di Asia Tenggara. Perusahaan menjalankan strategi untuk berfokus pada produksi batubara yang tumbuh secara organik, meningkatkan efisiensi dan pengendalian biaya dan mengembangkan dan melanjutkan integrasi divisi ketenagalistrikan.
Job Responsibilities
Provide technical assistance to business units within the Adaro Group in establishing, implementing, maintaining and developing an Environmental Management System for continuous improvement in order to achieve the objectives of achieving superior QHSE performance.
- Assistance in the form of providing direction to business units within the Adaro Group in establishing the Environmental Management System to ensure the availability of a management system that meets the requirements of international standards.
- Providing training and socialization related to Environmental Management System on business units within Adaro Group
- Periodically review and develop registers of general environmental laws and regulations, other relevant requirements including environmental permits (AMDAL, RKL / RPL, etc.) as well as environmental best practices so that current information is available to support the operations of business units within the Adaro Group .
- Develop a socialization program related to the applicable Environmental laws and regulations to ensure that the HSE team on business units within the Adaro Group have a proper understanding and view of the legislation.
- Analyze and evaluate the results of the Environmental compliance audit on business units within the Adaro Group and plan corrective actions to ensure compliance with applicable HSE legislation.
- Participate actively in the process of auditing the environmental management system in accordance with the audit program that has been drawn up on business units within the Adaro Group to ensure compliance with applicable laws, international standards and best practices and Adaro Group policies.
- Identify the audit results of the Environmental Management System of business units within the Adaro Group and provide and / or seek technical assistance in relation to the findings available to ensure that these findings can be effectively addressed.
- Assisting business units in the certification audit process from external parties in order for the audit process to be effective.
Job Requirements
- Bachelor Degree in Environmental Engineering with min GPA 3.0
- Have min 3 years experience in related position
- Have certification in ISO 14001 and AMDAL (Environmental Aspect-Impact Document)
- Have good competency in Environmental Management System
- Preferably have exposure in conducting/compiling AMDAL (Environmental Aspect-Impact Document)
Job Responsibilities
- Assist in checking the compliance, correctness and accuracy in tax calculation/payment/reporting
- Assist in preparing tax payments and ensure timely tax reporting
- Assist to provide data for tax audit purpose
- Assist to prepare data and forms for annual corporate income tax
Job Requirements
- Bachelor Degree majoring in Accounting / Taxation with minimum GPA 3.00
- Min 2 years experience as Tax Staff
- Fresh graduates are welcome to apply
- Competencies: Tax Regulation and Procedures, e-SPT, Tax Calculation, and Tax Compliance
- Detail oriented, discipline, responsible, able to work individually or as part of the team.
Job Responsibilities
Carry out activities related to the contractual and strategic procurement of goods and services, as well as coordinate the delivery of goods according to the QCD principles, namely Quality (quality and quantity), Cost (budgeted costs), and Delivery (on time) to meet the company’s operational needs.
- Receive requests for goods and services from related work units in the form of PR (Purchase Requisition), analyze them and coordinate with related users to ensure their needs, completeness and correctness in accordance with policies, systems and procedures for procurement of goods/services in the company.
- Carry out the process of purchasing goods and services (Contracts) starting from finding vendors to conducting initial negotiations by paying attention to applicable company procedures in order to support the smooth operation of the company.
- Checking the suitability between the specifications of the goods needed by the user and the specifications of the vendor so that the goods purchased are in accordance with the needs of the company.
- Prepare CQS (Comparison Quotation Summary) for the procurement of goods / services that are being carried out and prepare PO (Purchase Order) to be sent to the vendor so that the procurement of goods and services is achieved according to the specified time, quality and cost.
- Ensure the accuracy of making CQS and POs that have been made by Procurement Staff and Non Staff to avoid errors in the process of procuring goods and services for user needs.
- Coordinate related to the process of sending goods that have been ordered so that the goods can arrive at the company in optimal conditions and on time according to a predetermined schedule.
- Conduct vendor performance evaluations to ensure the quality of vendors who work with the company are included in the predetermined criteria to meet the company’s operational needs.
- Prepare purchase reports according to a predetermined period to monitor the progress of purchasing goods and services.
- Monitoring the performance of OCT, ODT and PRSL in the area to ensure the achievement of KPIs.
Job Requirements
- Bachelor Degree from all major
- Min 3 years of working experience as Procurement Staff
- Strong competencies in Procurement Management, Negotiation skills, Expedition management, contract management, legal compliance, and basic knowledge of tax regulation.
- Good communicaion skill
Job Responsibilities
- Assist in checking the compliance, correctness and accuracy in tax calculation/payment/reporting
- Assist in preparing tax payments and ensure timely tax reporting
- Assist to provide data for tax audit purpose
- Assist to prepare data and forms for annual corporate income tax
Job Requirements
- Bachelor Degree majoring in Accounting / Taxation with minimum GPA 3.00
- Min 5 years experience as Tax Staff, preferably from Tax Consulting Firm
- Competencies: Tax Regulation and Procedures, e-SPT, Tax Calculation, and Tax Compliance
- Detail oriented, discipline, responsible, able to work individually or as part of the team.
Job Responsibilities
Carry out corporate accounting activities include supervision of transactions activities, the process of closing books on a monthly basis and annual in order to support the company’s operations.
- To supervise the company’s accounting process to ensure compliance with Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) Finance & Accounting
- Conduct review and validation of each transaction and approval data on transaction journal recorded on Axapta system
- Ensure every transaction processed in accordance with the budget and applicable tax rules. Bookkeeping of transaction journal in accordance with Accounting Standard (PSAK)
- Doing the process of closing the company’s books accurately and on time every month.
- Coordinate with Finance in providing cost realization data every month for further processing by Finance
- Prepare accounting-related data to be accurately and comprehensively available for tax audits and corporate financial report audits by external auditors.
Job Requirements
- Bachelor Degree in Accounting with min GPA of 3.00
- Minimum 2 years of working experience from Public Accounting Firm or as Finance & Accounting Staff
- Preferably having experience in handle Budgeting and Reporting
- Strong competencies in Finance, Accounting, Budgeting, and Reporting
- Excellent work standard and attentive to detail
Job Responsibilities
- Prepare and review draft agreements or letters for a routine transaction to ensure the draft agreement or letter is in accordance with applicable regulations and legislation.
- Providing legal advice, opinions, advice and legal assistance as well as having legal implications for work units that need to be associated with simple or routine transactions to ensure that the company’s interests are fulfilled in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
- Carry out and prepare legal documents in connection with routine corporate activities to ensure the fulfillment of company obligations as stated in the company’s articles of association.
- Collect and process data or information needed for a case so that comprehensive data can be obtained which can strengthen the company’s legal position on the case.
- Conduct research and analysis of applicable laws and regulations, especially those related to company activities and provide advice to related work units so that the company’s activities are in accordance with these laws and regulations.
- Monitor and coordinate with related work units regarding permits that must be owned by the company to ensure the licenses do not expire.
Job Requirements
- Minimum Bachelor Degree in Law, with min. GPA 3.25
- Master Degree in Law would be beneficial
- Min 2 years experience in the field of corporate law
- Fresh graduates are welcome to apply
- Have good competencies in Legal Drafting, Legal Analysis, Legal Research, and Legal Compliance
- Able to work independently and in a team
- Have excellent communication (written & spoken) in English and Bahasa
Work Location : DKI Jakarta
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