Lowongan Kerja Bank Mandiri

Bank Mandiri adalah salah satu lembaga keuangan terbesar dan terkemuka di Indonesia, yang menyediakan layanan kepada nasabah dengan beragam pilihan perbankan, investasi, manajemen aset, serta produk dan solusi keuangan berkelanjutan lainnya. Bank Mandiri percaya bahwa teknologi digital akan terus mengubah lanskap perbankan Indonesia di masa depan, seiring dengan pesatnya migrasi aktivitas masyarakat ke saluran digital. Setelah memulai perjalanan transformasi digital jauh sebelum pandemi, Bank Mandiri menegaskan kembali komitmennya untuk mempercepat transformasi dan inovasi digital menuju menjadi bank digital modern terbaik di Indonesia untuk memberikan kehidupan yang lebih baik bagi nasabah melalui layanan keuangan digital terintegrasi Bank Mandiri.

ODP Wholesale Banking for Treasury Group and International Banking & FI Group 2022

Kualifikasi Umum :

  • Local/ International graduates (S1) and postgraduates (S2) from relevant fields of studies from a reputable University, such as economics, International Relations, and Engineering.
  • Grade Point Average:
    • Graduate (S1): a minimum of 3,00 (on a 4,00 GPA Scale) or equivalent
    • Postgraduate (S2): a minimum of 3,20 (on a 4,00 GPA Scale) or equivalent
  • Maximum age for selection:
    • 25 years old for Graduates (S1)
    • 27 years old for Postgraduates (S2)
  • Professional disposition with good networking & communication skills
  • Fluent in English, both written and verbal communication
  • No member of the nuclear family currently working in Bank Mandiri (i.e. parents, siblings)
  • Single and remain to be unmarried during the first year of the program
  • Willing to be relocated all over Indonesia

Basic Capability Requirements :

  • Easily establishes good relationships; builds wide and effective networks of contacts; relates well to people at all levels
  • Proactive and rapidly learns new tasks; demonstrates an immediate understanding of newly presented information; gathers comprehensive information to support decision making
  • Takes responsibility and initiative for actions and works under its own direction; makes quick, clear decisions which may include tough choices or considered risks.
  • Have a good critical & analytical thinking probes for further information or greater understanding of a problem; makes rational judgements from the available information and analysis
  • Keeps up to date with competitor information and market trends; identifies business opportunities for the organization; demonstrates financial awareness; controls costs and thinks in terms of profit, loss and added value
  • Able to do comprehensive problem solving with well-structured reasoning and ideas
  • Willing to be part of related activities inside and outside of the organization, such as marketing activity with financial target to achieve
  • Resilient and can adapts to changing circumstances; tolerates ambiguity; accepts new ideas and change initiatives; adapts interpersonal style to suit different people or situations; shows an interest in new experiences.
  • Can be a willing and effective team player

Fasilitas dan Tunjangan :

  • Retirement Benefit Plans
  • Paid Sick Leave
  • Child Care Benefits
  • Life Insurance
  • Maternity & Paternity Leave
  • Medical / Health Insurance
  • Performance Bonus
  • Relocation Assistance
  • Paid Vacation Leave
  • Medical, Prescription, Dental, or Vision Plans

Link Pendaftaran :

Perhatian :

  1. PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk menghimbau kepada calon pelamar pekerjaan untuk berhati-hati dan waspada terhadap tindakan penipuan terkait rekrutmen.
  2. PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk tidak melakukan pungutan dalam bentuk apapun, menjanjikan pengembalian dana akomodasi, transportasi, konsumsi dan sebagainya.
  3. PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk tidak bertanggung jawab terhadap segala penipuan yang mengatasnamakan perusahaan.

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