PT Kimia Farma Diagnostika (KFD), adalah anak perusahaan dari KFA yang didirikan sejak 2008 dan mulai beroperasi secara mandiri pada awal 2010. Lingkup bisnisnya meliputi manajemen dan pengembangan laboratorium klinik dengan visi menjadi perusahaan jaringan layanan laboratorium terbaik di Indonesia untuk mendukung kehidupan yang lebih sehat. Saat memberikan layanan, KFD mengacu pada standar Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) dan menerapkan prinsip-prinsip Komite Akreditasi Laboratorium Kesehatan Acreditas (KALK) Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia. KFD saat ini memiliki 33 cabang di beberapa kota di Indonesia, didukung oleh 206 karyawan yang kompeten. Pelanggan KFD terdiri dari pasien umum, pasien dengan referensi dari dokter, pasien yang berasal dari lembaga lain dan perusahaan yang melakukan Medical Check Up (MCU) untuk karyawannya.
1. Staff Administrasi
- Min. D3 Accounting/Management/ Business Administration
- Max. 27 years old
- Understand the Basics of Financial Accounting & Financial Reports
- Responsible and honest
- Able to work in teams
- Attention to detail
- Have been vaccinated, at least dose 1
2. Marketing Staff
- Min. D3/S1 All Majors
- Max. 28 years old
- Have Driving Licenses A/C
- Having Marketing Experience are Preferred
- Have good Communication and Interpersonal Skills
- Able to operate Microsoft Office
- Have been vaccinated, at least dose 1
- Preferably domicile in JABODETABEK
3. ATLM (Analis Teknologi Laboratorium Medik)
- Min. D3 Health Analysis
- Max Age 27 y.o
- Have an active STR
- Preferably have work experience
- Honest, integrity, communicative
- Able to operate computer well (especially Ms. Office)
- Able to work in a team
- Have been vaccinated, at least dose 1
- Preferably domicile in LAMPUNG
4. Nurse (Perawat)
- Min. D3 nursing
- Have an active STR
- Have a BTCLS Certificate
- Max. 27 years old
- Preferably have work experience
- Honest, Integrity, Creative and Communicative
- Able to operate Ms. Office
- Have been vaccinated, at least dose 1
- Will be located at LAMPUNG.
5. Staff Admin Lab
- Min. D3 Accounting/Management/ Business Administration
- Max. 27 years old
- Understand the Basics of Financial Accounting & Financial Reports
- Responsible and honest
- Able to work in teams
- Attention to detail
- Have been vaccinated, at least dose 1
- Preferably domicile in BENGKULU
6. Staff Pajak
- S1/D3 Accounting (Tax)
- Max age. 28 years
- Oriented To Detail Work
- Honest, Integrity, Creative and Communicative
- Able to operate computer and tax application well
- Able to work in a team
- Have brevet A & B certificate
- Have been vaccinated, at least dose 1
- Preferably domicile in LAMPUNG
7. Procurement Staff
- Min. D3 Accounting/Management/ Business Administration
- Max. 27 years old
- Understand the Basics of Financial Accounting & Financial Reports
- Responsible and honest
- Able to work in teams
- Attention to detail
- Have been vaccinated, at least dose 1
- Preferably domicile in LAMPUNG
Mari bergabung bersama lebih dari 443.000 followers dengan memfollow instagram @officialkerja untuk update lowongan kerja terbaru dan terbaik setiap harinya.
Seluruh proses tahapan seleksi tidak dipungut biaya apapun. Tetap waspada terhadap penipuan.
Tata Cara Pendaftaran:
Please submit your application to :
Apply – Staff Administrasi
Apply – Marketing Staff
Apply – ATLM (Analis Teknologi Laboratorium Medik)
Apply – Nurse (Perawat)
Apply – Staff Admin Lab
Apply – Staff Pajak
Apply – Procurement Staff
Mari bergabung di Channel Telegram OFFICIALKERJA, agar tidak ketinggalan informasi lowongan kerja terbaru, KLIK DISINI
Perhatian !! Kami tidak pernah meminta imbalan atau biaya dalam bentuk apapun terhadap rekrutmen di situs ini, apabila ada pihak yang mengatasnamakan kami atau perusahaan meminta biaya seperti transportasi atau akomodasi atau yang lainnya bisa dipastikan itu PALSU !!!.