Lowongan Kerja PT Paragon Technology and Innovation

PT Paragon Technology and Innovation merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang kosmetik manufaktur dan telah mendapat sertifikat GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) dengan kapasitas produksi yang besar dan formulasi yang unggul. Dengan pengalaman di bidang kosmetik lebih dari 28 tahun PT PTI telah membawa Wardah Cosmetics sebagai brand lokal dengan penjualan tertinggi di Matahari Dept. Store (Departemen Store terbesar di Indonesia), serta mendapat Halal Award oleh LPPOM MUI pada tanggal 5 Juli 2012, sebagai pioneer kosmetik halal. PT PTI juga telah membawa MAKE OVER sebagai brand terpercaya oleh para Make-Up artis terkemuka. PT PTI terus mengembangkan brand-brand unggulan lainnya, seperti Putri, IX, Vivre, Hair Addict, dan Nusilk. Selama 4 tahun terakhir perusahaan telah tumbuh lebih dari 80% per tahun, dengan 28 daerah operasional dan lebih dari 2000 karyawan di seluruh Indonesia.

Berikut adalah Lowongan Kerja PT Paragon Technology and Innovation

A. Paragon Leader Development Program (PLDP)

1. PLDP – Branch Accountant

Main Responsibilities:
Controlling the utilization of company’s financial resources in accordance with existing business process and also supporting company dynamics while maintaining prudence and compliance in distribution centre.


  1. Minimum Diploma (D3) majoring in Accounting, Economic, Management
  2. Fresh graduate or 1-2 years experience are welcome to apply
2. PLDP – Software Engineering Solution

Main Responsibilities:
Responsible on analyzing user requirements, write and test code, create documentations, and collaborate with other engineers & business partner.


  1. Minimum of Bachelor (S1) or maximum have 2 years experience in Information and Technology
  2. Software Engineer for either one of :
    1. Frontend Developer : Familliar with HTML,CSS, JS, JS Libraries (e.g. jQuery) or CSS & JS Frameworks (e.g., Bootstrap) Version Control ( Git ). Experience in JS Framework such as React JS / Vue JS & PWA would be an advantage.
    2. Backend Developer : Familiar with PHP / Python based framework, RBAC, API Development & Management, and RDBMS Databases ( SQL ).
    3. Mobile Application Developer : Android Native Java or Flutter
  3. Experience working on real projects related to the skill would be an advantage
3. PLDP – ERP Software Engineer

Main Responsibilities:
Collaborate closely with stakeholders and vendors for ERP implementation project.


  1. Minimum of Bachelor (S1) in Information Technology or Information Systems
  2. For non IT education must have programming background (Python
4. PLDP – Creative Product Designer

Main Responsibilities:
Providing creative ideas and outputs into visual graphics or motion images to support company promotion needs.


  1. Minimum of Bachekor (S1), preferably majoring in DKV, Product and Interior Designer
  2. Having a passion in design
  3. Having capabilities in Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Indesign (Capable in Adobe After Effects, 3D modelling & UI/UX will be a benefit)
5. PLDP – Associate IT Analyst Service Management

Main Responsibilities:
Collaborate closely with stakeholders and vendors for ERP implementation project.


  1. Minimum of Bachelor (S1) in Information Technology or Information Systems.
  2. For non IT education must have programming background (Python).
6. PLDP – Associate IT Analyst Cloud & Infrastructure

Main Responsibilities:
Manage Network, Server, Remote and/or On-premise Cloud System


  1. Minimum of Bachelor (S1) or maximum have 2 years experience in Information and Technology.

B. Management Trainee (MT)

7. MT – IT Business Partner

Main Responsibilities:
To manage & prepare project management plan, project status reports, project deliverables, and project documentation


  1. Minimum of Bachelor (S1) in Information Technology, Information Systems, Engineering,Science
  2. Having 1.5 – 2 years experience
  3. Having knowledge in PMO concept or had working experience in PMO environment
8. MT – ERP IT Analyst

Main Responsibilities:
Collaborate closely with stakeholders and vendors for ERP implementation project.


  1. Minimum of Bachelor (S1) in Information Technology or Information Systems.
  2. For non IT education must have programming background (Python).

Seluruh proses tahapan seleksi tidak dipungut biaya apapun. Tetap waspada terhadap penipuan.

Tata Cara Pendaftaran:

  • Should you interested to apply, please drop your CV to:

Deadline: 11 Desember 2020

Perhatian !! Kami tidak pernah meminta imbalan atau biaya dalam bentuk apapun terhadap rekrutmen di situs ini, apabila ada pihak yang mengatasnamakan kami atau perusahaan meminta biaya seperti transportasi atau akomodasi atau yang lainnya bisa dipastikan itu PALSU !!!.

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